Civic Sunday for Congleton’s new Town Mayor
05/07/2023 10:25 in News
Civic Sunday for Congleton’s new Town Mayor
Congleton Town Mayor's Civic Parade took place on Sunday 2 July 2023 to mark the beginning of the mayoral year.
The annual procession left the Town Hall on route to St. Peter’s Church, Chapel Street for the special service.
Parade Marshall, Gary Dolman of the Royal British Legion had the honour of heading up the parade, led by Rode Hall Silver Band. Followed by town mayors from neighbouring towns, councillors, clubs, community groups, members of the public and the town mayor and his civic team bringing up the rear.
Town Mayor, Cllr Rob Moreton said: “Civic Sunday is one of the highlights of any mayor’s time in office. I would like to thank all the residents, groups, dignities and my friends and family for such a
fantastic turn out, there must have been over a hundred people in church. Thank you to the hi-vis volunteers - Cllr Shaun Radcliffe, Cllr Mark Rogan and David Gartside for helping with the road
closures to enable the parade to pass safely through town. Cllr Suzie Akers Smith did a sterling job making her debut as Macebearer.”
The service was conducted by Rev Ian Endicott and the Mayor’s Chaplain, Steve Hodgkinson of New Life Church. Congleton Choral Society were invited to sing accompanied by organist Simon Russell.
The town mayor said: “I was really touched by how special and personal the service was. Thank you to everyone who played a part. The day was significant in so many ways, particularly as it coincided
with national Thank You Day. It was an honour for me to pay tribute to those working in our community. A perfect opportunity to say recognise all the volunteers who go above and beyond.
Thank you to my wife Helen, Mayoress who read a reflection poem and to Fiona Bruce MP who led the Prayers of Intercession. My cadet, Amelia Downing and Cllr Suzie Akers Smith stepped up to
deliver the testament readings. Members of the Choral Society filled the church with their beautiful vocals and did me proud with a personal favourite of mine You’ll Never Walk Alone’.
A reception at the Town Hall followed, where guests enjoyed light refreshments and more musical entertainment from the talented Congleton Community Choir. Experienced freelance Conductor,
Tom Newall directed both choirs on the day.
The town mayor’s tenure has already got off to a flying start raising funds for his two chosen charities - Vale Juniors Kickabout and Visyon. The mayor and mayoress have already attended many
local engagements getting hands on with tennis, rugby and tree planting to name just a few!
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